Monday, July 29, 2013

Tough go...

It's been a pretty tough season with our weather this year. Last week we had four consecutive days over 100 degrees and then this weekend it gets down to the fifties and forties at night. The tomatoes have gone into shock and are showing signs of it. The blossoms have fallen off just about all the plants and blossom end rot has been a problem across the board. Even with the purple haze. Leaves are now purple with shades of blue and the new growth has turned spindly. When you go to sucker them the suckers don't just snap they bend and don't want to break. I think I need to leave them be and hope they bounce back. I hit them with a strong dose of bloom and may give them a shot of CalMag in a few days. The tomatoes that have held up well are the Berkley tie dye and the purple haze. The pepper plants are doing fine, eggplant is great, peppers are doing well, and the melons are out of control. The melons on the dirt strip by the compost bins are taking over. I've also planted random clones from my tomato plants along the fence and their taking off. That soil is so nutrient rich I'm anxious to see how everything produces. Right now I'm just hoping August levels off with the temps and we can salvage some sort of tomato harvest.

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