Monday, July 8, 2013


The tomatoes are really starting to pump out fruit and the blossoms keep growing. So far the Chocolate Amazon is leading the way in production. Tomatoes are baseball size and the plant is really starting to take off. It's in the 100 gallon smart pot and is 7ft tall now. The Paul Robeson in the 65 gallon is also off to a fast start with fruit setting all over the plant. One of the interns at the farm took it upon herself to sucker the top growth off so the plant is temporarily stunted. The purple haze and foxy lady are not far off and I'm sure will begin to pass everything up. Todd's County Amish has a nice size mater in the works and my Stump of the World has a mega blossom on it. The Mantis's finally hatched and are ready to eat.

 Blue Fruit
 Blue fruit
 Todd's County Amish
 Chocolate Amazon
 Paul Robeson
 Paul Robeson
Paul Robeson

 Stump of the world mega blossom

 neighbors plot
  neighbors plot
  neighbors plot

 Todd's county bigin

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