Sunday, June 2, 2013

Smart pots 2013

65 gallon smart pot:
1/3 pro mix, 1/3 manure, 1/3 mushroom compost
3 cups bone marrow folded in

Purple Haze tomato
Paul Robeson
Berkley tie Dye

100 gallon smart pot:
1/3 pro mix, 1/3 manure/ 1/3 mushroom compost
3 cups bone marrow folded in

Blue fruit tomato
Foxy Lady tomato
Chocolate amazon tomato
Todds county Amish tomato
Sunset Red Horizon tomato

Notes: All smart pots were planted May 19, 2013 and have since doubled in size compared to the plants planted in the raised bed. All are staked but have not been hit with a cocktail yet. So far its been cold and rainy so there has been no reason to water. I fear it will be a cold and rainy season just the opposite of the 2012 drought. All plants I ordered from Laurel's heirloom tomato co in Ca were really impressive. She has the shipping down pact and her plants came in super healthy. I've read complaints about her prices but you get what you pay for and I will be a repeat customer. I do start most tomatoes from seed but she and Darrel at Selected Plants have varieties I can't get seed for.
Darrel also runs a similar operation to Laurel and is passionate about plants. He runs a clean operation and stands by his product. Some of the most productive tomato plants I had last season were from Darrel. The purple haze sold by Darrel and developed by Keith Mueller were phenomenal. I was blown away by the production of Darrel's plants in raised beds. I am anxious to see how they do in the big pots. Last year my sungold went nuts in the 65 gallon. I think the purple haze will out produce it.

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